The long weekend is coming soon.
In some offices, they no longer have work on October 31 or they only work half-day. For some, they already filed for a vacation leave so they could have a longer time to go home to their provinces.
I’m writing this post so Catholic families can have some time to bond over movies that are relevant to the sacred days or holy days that we are celebrating starting tomorrow.
Tomorrow is already Halloween, October 31. It’s the vigil or day before the Feast of All Saints (November 1). My family celebrates this feast in a Catholic way. You may read about it here. We don’t participate in the usual Halloween parties. You can read our reasons for doing this here.
On November 2, we will celebrate All Souls Day. It’s a day set apart for us to remember and pray for all our departed relatives and friends, and for the poor souls in purgatory.
During Halloween and All Saints Day, we do our best to get to know more about the Saints so we’d be inspired to live holy lives just like them.
I have watched most of these movies that I have listed. I recommend these to families and individuals who want to have a meaningful experience during these upcoming holy days.
Many of these movies can be found or watched on YouTube. The rest can be bought on DVD or can be seen through Amazon movies. You can click the titles to go to the YouTube link. I have also shared the links to some of the movie trailers.

- Therese – This is about the life of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. She is one of our modern-day Saints. She is also a Doctor of the Church. She is known for propagating the “Little Way.” She is the Patron Saint of Missions and Missionaries. You can watch the trailer here and buy the DVD here.
2. The Reluctant Saint – This is about the life of St. Joseph of Cupertino. He is a mystic. He is popular for levitating. he is the Patron Saint of aviators, flying and those with mental illness.
3. Paul, Apostle of Christ – This movie is about the life of St. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles. I watched this before with my husband. Watch the trailer.
4. Brother Sun, Sister Moon – This movie is about the life of St. Francis of Assisi. He is the Patron Saint of animals and the environment. I first saw this when I was in high school. It was shown in our school because I studied in a school run by the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. You can watch the trailer here. If you want another movie on the life of St. Francis of Assisi, click here. That is the link to the full movie.
5. The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima – My family and I watched this during the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. You will get to know more about the children who eventually became Saints to whom Our Lady appeared in this movie.
6. Divine Mercy (Sister Faustina) – This movie was done by Filipinos and is in Filipino or Tagalog. I watched this with my family last night. This is about the life of Saint Faustina who helped our Lord Jesus Christ spread the devotion to His Divine Mercy and the 3 o’clock habit.
7. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina – This movie is about Saint Pio who is also a modern Saint. He was one of those who had the stigmata or wounds of Christ during his lifetime.
8. Ignacio de Loyola – This movie is about St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. He was the first Jesuit. He is the Patron Saint of Catholic soldiers. You can watch the trailer here. This is recommended for older children.
9. Saint Philip Neri: I Prefer Heaven – This is about the life of St. Philip Neri. The movie, however, is not in English but has English subtitles. Watch the trailer here. You can find it on Amazon via this link.
10. The Song of Bernadette – This movie is about St. Bernadette and the miracle at Lourdes, France when Our Lady appeared to her.
11. The Apostle Peter: Redemption – This movie is about St. Peter, the leader of the 12 Apostles. he was the first Pope.
12. Helena – This documentary was about the life of St. Helena of the Cross. She was the mother of Constantine the Great. She was the Empress at that time. She was the first Christian pilgrim and found the cross of Jesus.
13. Karol: A Man Who Became Pope – This is a movie on the life of Saint Pope John Paul II. Karol: The Pope, The Man (John Paul II) is a sequel to A Man Who Became Pope. Both films had good reviews.
14. A Man for All Seasons – This movie is about the life of St. Thomas More where Charles Heston was the main actor.
15. Teresa of Avila – This is a series on the life of Saint Teresa of Avila, the Reformer of the Carmelite Order. It is in Spanish but with English subtitles. You can watch it on Formed or here.
Enjoy the movies! Feel free to come back here and leave a comment after you watch some of them. I would love to hear your reviews.
Have a blessed Hallowtide to your family!
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