Lent starts tomorrow when we celebrate Ash Wednesday.
During Lent, we strive to spend more time in prayer, give alms, and do penance for our sins.
I made a simple printable that families can use as a reference or guide on meaningful activities that they can do as a family, and be drawn closer to God and to each other during the Lenten season.
Here are 40 recommended activities that your family can do this Lent. I chose simple and very doable activities here.

Share this on Facebook via this link.
Feel free to print it and post it in your home as a reference and reminder to your family members. I suggest that you post this in an area where most of you often gather or pass so that you can see it often daily.
Feel free to share it on your social media account as well.
You can download the colored version here.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, when you love one another.
John 13:35
I hope that doing these activities this Lent would inspire you and encourage to do some of them beyond Lent.
You can also download a greyscale version here that your child/children can color.
You can color each box that you are able to do as a family purple so you know which ones you have already done.
You can also use stickers like a smiley face or heart. A smiley face can remind us that we make God and another person happy by doing any of these activities. A heart reminds us that doing these activities is love in action. If you do not want to use stickers, you can simply draw a smiley face or a heart inside the box after you have done a certain activity.
You don’t need to do these activities in order. But if you want to, that is also fine.
You also do not need to do all of these activities if you can’t. You can just choose the ones that you think will work best with your family schedule or for your family.
You can even edit it if you want, in case you want to add something that I was not able to include in the list or if you want to change anything that was included.
But in case you feel the leading of the Holy Spirit to do an activity or some activities daily during Lent or even beyond Lent, please do so. Some of these activities are activities that I do daily with my family.
We strive to read the Bible, pray together and go to Mass daily. We write our blessings or answered prayers and our dreams and goals daily and lift them up to God in prayer. We try to remember people who asked for our intercession and those who are sick in our prayer intentions. We try to give affirmation or praise to someone who did something good at home. We strive to be helpful and loving to one another. But this Lent, I hope and pray that we’d be more consistent in doing all these things.
That’s why I’m also excited to use this printable at home.
I hope and pray that this printable would enable you to spend more time in prayer and, thus, grow in your relationship with God. May doing these activities deepen your prayer lives, rejuvenate your souls and help you better appreciate the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to save us.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
If you want more activities and resources in raising Catholic children and in educating your children in the Catholic faith, I invite you to join the Catholic Homeschooling Parents Support Group PH.
Have a blessed Lent!
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