Do you know that traditionally, the Christmas and Epiphany seasons or Christmastide end on Candlemass or on the Presentation of the Child Jesus at the Temple? That is 40 days from December 25 to February 2. On February 2, we also celebrate the Purification of Mary, which is the oldest Marian feast day dating back to the 5th century. That is why many Christians/Catholics only remove and pack away their Christmas decorations after this feast. We are part of that group of Catholics. Our Christmas decors at home are still out. I will only start removing them after the 40th day of Christmas. I want our family to savor Christmas and the joy that it brings for as long as we can.
Thus, my blog post for today is about our Advent Christmas activities during this coronavirus pandemic.
When I looked back and listed our usual Advent and Christmas traditions and checked what we were able to do, what we did differently, and what we were not able to do at all because of the pandemic, I realized that we were still able to do most of our annual family traditions during these seasons. What a blessing!
A lot of things changed during this global health crisis. But, many remained the same and I think that this is good. It just proves that there are things that will remain constant in our lives.
Now, let me share which among our annual Advent and Christmas traditions we were still able to do despite the challenges of the pandemic.
First, we still go to pray our Advent prayers with our Advent wreath and candles not only every Sunday of Advent but daily throughout Advent. This year, all our boys took part in reading parts of the prayer. Our eldest child still played the song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel while the rest of the family members sang the song.

Second, we still had our Advent calendar or our Christmas countdown using Christmas books. We got to read one book each day still until Christmas Day. The only difference is that I did not wrap the books this year to save on wrapping paper and costs.
We got to put up our Christmas tree also and had a family photo in front of it.

We had a nativity decor, which was our craft decor from years ago but we had to replace some of the old characters because they were already torn. That was one of the art and craft activities that the boys did during the Advent season aside from making Christmas cards.

We also joined and completed the 9-day novena Masses or the Simbang Gabi. Just like in previous years, we participated in the anticipated or night Masses. Praise God that many churches live-streamed their Masses! This year, our three kids got to serve as pianists in our online Simbang Gabi. Even our youngest who is only 6 years old had the chance to serve as a pianist. These opportunities gave all of us great joy. This was one of the perks or blessings in disguise of the pandemic.
We also ate bibingka during the 9-day novena Masses.

We watched a lot of Christmas movies! I wrote blog posts about my recommended Christmas movies here and here. So, if you want to watch a couple of Christmas movies tonight or tomorrow before Christmastide is over, you can read my previous blog posts.
We had cookies and milk dates during the Advent and Christmas seasons.
We listened to and sang a lot of Christmas songs.
Our kids also learned to sing and play new Christmas songs on the piano. You can watch some of them here on my eldest child’s YouTube channel — Yanthy’s Music.
We celebrated St. Nicholas’ Day and the boys got some gifts on that day.
I shopped for Christmas gifts and outfits but I did all these online and had all of these things delivered to our home. Thanks to SM Department Store’s Personal Shopper service.

We joined an Advent recollection online.
We still joined a Christmas Eve and New year’s Eve Mass but we did all these online as well.

We ate noche buena and media noche together. Like in previous Christmas Eve’s and New Year’s Eve celebrations in our home, I only cook or prepare enough food that our small family can consume. I don’t want to prepare a lot and the food will just be spoiled, especially now that there is a pandemic.

We gave gifts to each other.
We still visited my parents but not on Christmas Day last year but a couple of days after. Also, we did not stay long. We didn’t even go inside my parents’ house. We were extra cautious because my parents are already old and have pre-existing medical conditions. We were content that, at least, we got to see them and we got to ask for their blessing or what we Filipinos call nagmano.
On our way home from my parents’ house, we looked at the Christmas lights along the way.
We also watched the Ayala Triangle Lights display, but this time, virtually only.
The kids recorded some Christmas songs and performed them online instead of the usual in-person caroling.
We had our New year’s Eve worship and thanksgiving, too. We shared about our biggest blessings for 2020 and what our dreams are for 2021.
We also had the yearly Epiphany blessing of our house.

Last but not the least, instead of going around and donating food packs to street children or families in the streets, we just made online donations.
I was amazed when I saw my list of Advent and Christmas traditions that we were still able to do despite the Covid-19 pandemic!
There was still so much to be thankful for!
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