My One Word for 2021 was NEW. It scared me as early as late December of 2020 when I first discovered that this is the word that God wants me to live out for 2021. I was scared because I knew already some of the new things that God wanted me to do. I was afraid and I wrestled with God for some time. Thanks be to God that by the grace of God, I obeyed God, eventually.
When I came to embrace my One Word and all that I had to do in relation to it, I was amazed at the many new and wonderful things that happened to me.
I wrote about my One Word for 2021 a previous blog post. You may read the details on how God led me to this word here.
In this blog post, I’d like to share the top 10 NEW good things that happened to me, that I discovered or the NEW things in my life last year in 2021.

I launched my very first podcast in February last year with the help of my husband. We made one season for it. Then, we paused it so that I could pursue one of my big goals last year, which was to write and launch a new book.

I wrote and published a new book on my birthday month last year. It’s like a gift I gave myself. Then, I launched it months later in June. To my surprise, it was our most successful book launch on Amazon! It became a #1 Amazon bestseller in at least 5 categories! This was the most number of categories where a title that we released has topped Amazon’s charts! What a pleasant surprise from God!

You can buy a copy of this book (devotional for homeschool moms) here on our online shop or on Amazon.
I’m so glad I discovered a new platform for influencers and bloggers like me where I can earn in dollars. I have found a number of gigs already from this platform and I have received my payment for these gigs. So, I know that this is legit. Click the subtitle above to go to the platform. If you sign-up using my link above, I will get a small referral fee. It’s like a thank you token to me for sharing this information with you.
I also discovered a new platform for online learning where I can teach online classes. I have given 2 OnLive classes so far last year. This year, I have 4 classes already scheduled (2 in January and 2 in February).
Below are the two classes I conducted last year.

If you want to learn for free by attending online classes in the next 6 months, I suggest that download the ReSkills app, create an account and register for online classes there. Use my referral code VTMFSK or click this link. Just like in Intellifluence, I will get a small referral fee if you sign-up using my code.
I first submitted my latest children’s story to my previous publisher. But, they declined to publish my manuscript. This rejection moved me to submit my manuscript to other publishers. I submitted it to two more. One of them declined too because they have yet to penetrate the children’s books market. So, it was rejected twice before I found a publisher that liked it and agreed to publish it. These rejections, however, led me to my original target publisher for my children’s story. The truth is, I really wanted my new children’s book to be published by a traditional Catholic publisher. Therefore, the rejections were used by God to simply redirect me. God answered or granted the true desire of my heart.
The illustrator is already working on the book’s inside pages and cover page. I’m excited to see the illustrations and for this book to be released this year! Watch out for it!
This pandemic has moved me to work faster on one of my long-term goals, which is to convert my talks, training, or courses into online talks and courses. Since all talks were done online this pandemic and there is a record option, we were able to record almost all of my talks last year.
Below are some of the talks that I gave last year. You can find the first two talks in our online shop if you want to learn from them.

Click here.

through this series of talks.

I had new clients both for my speaking, consulting, and coaching business. My coaching business grew by leaps and bounds last year! God showed me His faithfulness to me through these clients. They were a big help to my family and me last year. I pray for repeat business with these clients of mine this year and that I will continue to have new clients again this 2022.

This was one of the new talks that I designed for a new corporate client for my speaking business.
I was invited to guest as a resource speaker in a radio/TV show (Winner sa Life of Ms. Winnie Cordero), YouTube channels, podcasts, and online events. Some of the invitations I got last year were not only for local shows but for international audiences also. I was invited to guest at Family Watch twice. I shared about Homeschooling the Next generation of Catholics and in another episode, I talked about Mothers: Miraculously Made to Breastfeed. I got invited also to Nove-Ann Tan’s podcast to talk about homeschooling, my devotional (e-book) for homeschool moms, and how to prepare for the new school year. You can listen to that podcast episode here. I’m grateful to God for these opportunities and these new connections.

This is probably one of my most critical new roles last year. My eldest child became a teenager last year. He is also now in junior high school. he graduated from elementary last school year. I’m a bit nervous. But I trust that through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, things will work out for us.

I was at home almost all the time in 2021. But this did not stop me from “meeting” new friends. I “met” new friends online through the groups that I joined. I joined several groups on Facebook that were related to my interests and I had a pleasant surprise of finding new friends even during this pandemic.
Because of all these new things that I did and that happened in my life, I also learned many new things and skills. Wow! Looking back, I realized that I have truly lived out my OneWord for 2021! Glory and thanks be to God who enabled me to do and experience all these in 2021!
How about you? What was your One Word last year? How did you live it out? Feel free to share by leaving a comment.
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