I thought that the book I ordered recently for my kids was for my kids only. Little did I know that it was for me as well. In truth, I think it had the biggest impact on me.
Let me tell you why.
My boys won a gift certificate from The Learning Basket when they attended a Christmas event for our homeschool group last December. I chose books from their online shop and had them delivered this year.
One day, I decided to read our new book The Secret World of Hildegard to my boys. I was pleasantly surprised that I could relate very well with Saint Hildegard. We had many things in common.
The first thing that we had in common was that we both had a secret world during our childhood.

Second, we both kept this secret world to ourselves because we were afraid that people would not believe us. We were afraid of rejection.
Third, we both suffered when we chose not to reveal or share our unique and exceptional spiritual gifts. She had headaches. I had trouble sleeping and I didn’t feel at ease.
Fourth, her parents did not understand her. There were also many things about me and what I did that my parents did not understand.

Fifth, God gave her the gift of wisdom which enabled her to write books even though, by the world’s standards, she was not educated or experienced in those fields. God also blessed me with His wisdom, which enabled me to write many books and even win awards for some of them. I did not study writing. I may not be considered an expert by people in some of the books that I have written. For example, I wrote a breastfeeding book although I am not a medical practitioner or an IBCLC.
Sixth, she loved music and she is also a composer. I love music also. I loved composing. I just do not know how to notate or identify and write the notes. But this was something I loved doing when I was much younger. Now, if God inspires me again with melodies, it would be easier for me to write the music sheet or the chords for it because my eldest son is a gifted musician and a music prodigy. I can ask for his help.
I felt like God led me to her so I could find another Saint to whom I can pray and who can guide and encourage me.
There was a point when I felt my eyes were being filled with tears while I was reading the book to my kids. I had to hold back the tears so I can finish reading it to them.
After they left the room, that was when I let my tears flow freely. I felt like God helped me get to know myself better when He introduced Saint Hildegard to me.
Because of what I read about her in this book, I felt God affirm me that my idea or my urge to write my autobiography was truly from Him.
Saint Hildegard wrote her life story when she was in her forties. I am now in my forties and I felt that God wanted me to write about the things that I have not yet written about myself.
Thus, shortly after I got this confirmation from God, I started writing about the things I can still remember about my childhood in my journal. I have barely scratched the surface. But, I’m happy that I have already started obeying God’s leading to me.

I also felt happy to read her story to my kids because her story affirmed my decision to homeschool our kids and to keep on homeschooling them.
Saint Hildegard was not sent or educated in a school or university. She was educated inside a monastery by one individual only, a nun. But, she learned what she needed to learn while in that monastery. She received wisdom, knowledge and guidance from God such that she was able to write even a science and medical book. Isn’t that amazing?
Her achievements assured me that all wisdom and knowledge really come from God. Even if my kids are not going out during this pandemic, they can still receive the best education inside our home. My husband and I simply need to be faithful and persevering in educating them. We also need to just rely more on God and let God use us to educate our kids and introduce Him to them.
And when the right time comes, God will use our kids for His purposes.
I love that I was able to use the book and her story to remind our kids that day that of the following lessons:
God can make us experts in a short period of time if He wants to. God can pour out His wisdom and knowledge to us and we can instantly become experts if that is part of God’s plan.
All wisdom and knowledge come from God.
We should not hide our gifts. We should accept our unique giftedness. Instead, we should use them to help others.
God reveals His wisdom to the unlearned.
Last but not the least, we should be true to ourselves.
I never imagined that a children’s book will have this much impact on me. But I’m grateful that I chose to buy that book and that I read it to my kids. My kids and I learned a lot that day.
In fact, I was so inspired by Saint Hildegard, I read some more about her later that day and the following day. I was amazed to find out that she was one of the 4 female Doctors of the Church. Wow! I also found out that the book that she wrote on cures and causes is still being used in Germany.
She was one impressive woman who accomplished great things in a male-dominated society! She was an Abbess, an author, a prophet, a musician, and a preacher!
Of course, she would not be able to do all that she did if she did not allow God to use her and if she was not humble enough to obey God’s leading.
I pray that like Saint Hildegard, my boys and I would be able to use our gifts for the glory of God and in the service of the Church and of our fellowmen.
I also pray that I’d get to write my autobiography in the way that God wants me to and that it would inspire future generations of believers.
I highly recommend this book to parents. I’m confident that your kids would be inspired by the life of Saint Hildegard, whether you are Catholic or not.
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