When a mother promptly provides milk for her hungry child, a child experiences and learns about God’s timely provisions. When a mother consistently nurses her child over a long period of time (like a number of years), the child experiences and learns about God’s faithfulness. A nursing mother’s loving arms gently wrapped around her baby warms not only a baby’s body but also the baby’s heart and soul. The baby is comforted by his mother’s loving presence and touch. This experience in infancy gives the baby a sense of security and protection from the world around him. Psalm 22:9 (AMP) says, “Yet You are He who took me out of the womb; You made me hope and trust when I was on my mother’s breasts.” Babies learn to hope and trust that their needs would be met at the breasts. They hope and trust that when they cry (be it out of hunger, thirst or fear), their mom would be there to nourish and comfort them. Breastfeeding, therefore, not only provides for their bodies; but also, for their souls.
I was amazed when I discovered in the Old Testament that God compares His love for His people to the love of a nursing mother for her child. One popular verse related to this is Isaiah 49:15 (NLT) that says, “Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget.” This verse recognizes the very strong unique bond between a mother and the child that she nursed. It’s as if God was saying in this verse that it’s impossible for a mother to forget or stop loving the child that she nursed at her breasts. Wow!
Here’s another verse. This time, it’s from Isaiah 66:12-13 (ESV). “For thus says the LORD: Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall nurse, you shall be carried upon her hip, and bounced upon her knees. As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you…” I’m so honored to be a nursing mom! Imagine, God compared Himself to a nursing mom like me! God must have high regard for nursing moms! He definitely sees the powerful love that fills a nursing mother’s heart which overflows through the milk that comes from her breasts. This verse gave insight, too, to the other purpose of breastfeeding, which is to bring comfort to a child.
When I was a first-time nursing mom, one of the pieces of advice that I heard was that I should not use my breasts to pacify or comfort my baby. I was told that breastfeeding should be mainly for providing my baby with food. I felt torn by this advice; for, a part of me wanted so much to bring my baby to my bosom every time he cried. Now I understand why I felt that way!
“God designed a mother’s breast
not only as a source of nutrition or food for her child;
but also, as a place of comfort and love.”
I’m glad that as I grew in experience as a nursing mom, I’ve learned to break away from this advice. I’m thankful for the grace and wisdom to follow my instincts and to comfort my child through my breasts whenever he needs it. My second child is so blessed since he benefitted from the new lessons I have learned.
That’s me breastfeeding my second child
during our Mother’s Day photo shoot. |
I so love breastfeeding! I think God designed us moms this way so that when our babies are hungry, we would feel it in our breasts. When we are away from our babies, we would feel a tug in our hearts to run home to them. I think God designed us, mothers, to be near our children especially when they are young. I pray that we moms would recognize this wiring from God and we would choose to show our love to our children by breastfeeding them.
My strong belief is that breastfeeding is love poured out from God’s heart to a mother’s heart and into a baby’s heart. I believe that we moms are privileged to be given this sacred task of being God’s first instruments in making His unconditional and passionate love known to our children. I pray that more mothers would accept and embrace this sacred calling. That is one of my reasons for writing
BREASTFEEDING: A Journey Worth Taking. If only more moms would know what really transpires when a mom breastfeeds her baby, I think that more moms would choose to breastfeed their kids.
We have an ongoing Mother’s Month promo. We’re giving away nutritious and delicious treats for every book purchase. This is our way of honoring breastfeeding moms this May.
We have partnered with Alexa’s Kitchen and M2 malunggay tea drink to give this wonderful treat to pregnant and breastfeeding moms this month of May. Those who will purchase a copy of my breastfeeding book with receive 2 lactation cookies from Alexa’s Kitchen and 1 ready-to-drink M2 malunggay tea drink.
Let’s keep the love flowing from God’s heart through ours into the hearts of our babes!
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