My latest book, Homeschool Moms at the Feet of Jesus, will be launched on Amazon soon! The global virtual launch will happen on June 30. That’s less than 2 weeks from now. We’re launching it with a FREE BOOK PROMOTION from June 30 to July 1, 2021.
Yes, you read it right! I’m away free copies of my latest book on these two days as part of my book launch.

My Big Why
Why am I giving it away?
First, this is my way of expressing my gratitude to God for His help and faithfulness to me and my family in our homeschool adventure. This book is special to me because I wrote it and I’m launching it in the same year that my eldest child whom I homeschooled since birth is graduating from elementary.
We just had our graduation pictorial at home last weekend. I can’t believe that we have homeschooled this long! Time flies, indeed! It feels like it was just yesterday when I started homeschooling my firstborn. He was still tiny and chubby then. hahaha Now, his feet are bigger than mine. I’m just a few inches taller than him. He knows so many things that I don’t know already.

Homeschooling him was one of the best decisions that my husband and I have made in our life.
Because of homeschooling, my sons and I had lots of bonding moments together. We had countless fun activities and family field trips. We learned together. We traveled together. We did so many things together. We made many beautiful memories together!
I also got to influence them more and passed on our Catholic faith to them. We were able to build many family traditions through the years with the help of homeschooling.

There is so much that I am thankful for because of homeschooling. Writing this book is my way of paying it forward. This is my way of helping fellow homeschool moms, especially those who are just starting in this adventure or those who are still on the fence about it.

My second reason is that I want to reach and help more moms. Many parents found themselves suddenly homeschooling because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even with a year of experience homeschooling during the first year of this pandemic, I know that a lot of parents, moms particularly, are still grappling with how to do this effectively and efficiently. Many are still at a loss.
I want to help calm these scared and stressed homeschool moms through my latest book.
I want to lead them to the right path . . . a path that I have tread and which I discovered is the path to successfully homeschooling our children.
I could empathize with them. I was once in their place. I am offering this book as my way of guiding them. I want to share the wisdom and the lessons I have gained in the many years that I have homeschooled my own children. I believe that God brought me to this path for a purpose and that the things that I have learned are not just for me and my family to benefit from. I know that I am meant to share all these learnings with others.
Last but not least, I want to bring as many hearts and souls to Jesus through this book. To love God and to make Him loved is my life’s mission statement. I strive to do this in everything that I do, including the books that I write. Thus, I’m hoping and praying that with this devotional that I wrote, I’d be able to bring more hearts to Jesus. I know that by leading homeschool moms to the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am also leading more hearts to Him. I am leading the hearts of many homeschooled children as well to the feet of our Lord Jesus by discipling the moms first.
This is not just an advocacy to me. It is part of my ministry. This is one of my assignments from God.
I’m grateful to God that I got to finish this book despite the many challenges that I experienced in the past months. Truly, when God calls, He enables. But we need to cooperate with God and allow Him to use us as His channels of wisdom, love, and peace.
I shared in one of my previous blog posts more details about this book and how I got to write it. You can read the backstory here.
What to Expect
This book was designed to be a devotional for homeschool moms. It’s like going on a retreat and coming before Jesus’ feet for 31 days.
Each of the 31 daily devotions includes:
- a Bible verse to meditate on
- a reflection that will inspire, encourage and empower
- questions for reflection
- a prayer
- an invitation to bring one’s concerns to Jesus at the start of each day
- an invitation to count one’s blessings at the end of the day
Hopefully, after using this book or devotional consistently for 31 days, the moms would already have the beautiful and powerful habit of coming to Jesus at least twice a day and that they have grown in their relationship with Him and they have grown to be better homeschool moms.
Virtual Book Launch

The book is actually available already for FREE DOWNLOAD for Amazon Prime members since it was published last April. But for non-members, it can only be downloaded for free on June 30 and on July 1, 2021. For those living in the Philippines, the free book promotion will start at 3 PM on June 30 and it will end on July 2 at 2:59 PM.
If you are a homeschool mom or you are considering homeschooling your children next school year, I highly recommend this book to you. Not because I wrote it. But because I know that it will definitely help prepare you to homeschool.
Let me share this testimonial by a fellow homeschool mom and author.

It will prepare your mind. But most, importantly, it will prepare your heart.
Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart. Homeschooling is not for everyone.
But for those who choose to take on this noble mission, you need not go through homeschooling alone. You need not bear this yoke on your own. Come to Jesus, let Him carry this yoke with you. Allow Him to help you homeschool your children. That is one of the reasons why we are successful in our homeschool. Jesus is the Main Teacher. I also learn from Him. It is from Him that I get my wisdom and strength to teach my own children.
So, mark your calendar and take note of my book’s virtual launch! Or better yet, sign-up here and we’ll notify you once the free book promotion has started and the book is ready for free download on Amazon. I know that we, homeschool moms, can become very busy. It helps to receive reminders.
You can also click GOING on the Facebook Event Page of the book launch. We will be posting reminders and details there to help you download your free copy successfully. Click here to go to the event page.
I’d also want to take this chance to invite you to join our community for homeschooling parents. I’d be happy to see you and interact with you at the Catholic Homeschooling Parents Support Group.
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