I just realized that I had been blogging for 13 years already. Wow!
I started blogging 13 years ago when I first got pregnant and I was on bed rest. My husband knew that I love writing so he suggested that I start a blog.
I’m glad I followed his suggestion because blogging not only helped me a lot when I was on bed rest but through the years.
Moreover, I liked sharing lessons and tips that I felt would be helpful to fellow moms.
Eventually, I learned how to monetize my blog and earn through it.
Let me share the different stages that I went through as a blogger.
Blogging for Myself
When I started blogging, my only reason for doing that was for self-expression. I needed an outlet. I wanted to keep myself busy while I was pregnant and at home most of the time. Writing helped me process my thoughts and emotions and all my other experiences. It was like an online journal for me. I blogged mainly for myself.

I was a career woman when I was still single. Then, when I got married, I got pregnant right away and suddenly, I was confined in the house and was on bed rest. It was a hard time for me. Blogging helped me a lot to go through that phase in my life. I was not used to being in bed or being at home most of the time. I was a frequent flyer because of the nature of my job when I was still single. Blogging helped me cope during that time.
Then, after I gave birth, I continued to blog to document my experiences as a married person and as a mother. I used my blog also to document my children’s milestones.
I first blogged using the Multiply platform. Then, I moved my blog to Blogger when I learned that Multiply will be closed soon. My blog at that time was called Mommy Bares All. It was on a free platform and I wrote about many different things related to being a mom. Eventually, when I had a clearer idea of what I wanted my brand would be as a blogger, I decided to get my own domain and I started this blog.
Blogging to Help Others and Myself
When I became a first-time parent, I realized that there is so much to learn and that I could help through my blog. I was a full-time stay-at-home mom to our firstborn child. I was very hands-on with him. But I still had some time on my hands and because I was accustomed to being productive and doing something that can be of help to others, I turned to blogging more. I felt happy and fulfilled to share lessons and tips through my blog. I felt happy when readers leave comments and email me to tell me how something I wrote had helped them. These things motivated me to keep on blogging during those years.
As years went by, I met fellow bloggers and influencers both online and offline. I was happy to find out that there are many people out there who are like me. I found my tribe.
Blogging to Help Others and Myself while Earning
After a few years of blogging mainly for myself and sharing wisdom and information through my blog to help others, I discovered new things about blogging. I learned that I could earn from it.
Now, I will share the various ways by which I got to earn as a blogger through the years.
- Earning through ads. My first earning as a blogger is through ads on my blog. I was very happy to earn my first $100 through my blog around a decade ago. Imagine, I was doing something I loved doing (writing) and I got paid while doing it.
- Earning through brand partnerships. There are two ways by which you can earn by working with brands. One way is by being paid in kind (through their products and services). Another way is by being paid in cash. Shortly after I earned through ads on my blog, a Marketing Manager of a distributing company approached me to invite me to write about their products. They gave me product samples and then I would write my reviews about these products. In exchange for my articles about their products, I got to choose from their list of products what I needed and wanted based on our agreed equivalent amount of products for each article that I publish. I enjoyed working with that company. Then, I worked with other brands also by running blog giveaways. I got invited to events organized by brands as well. I got paid in kind first. Afterward, I got paid both in kind and in cash or in cash only but with sample products that I can try or use.

After many years of blogging, I found myself speaking at workshops, events, and conferences about blogging. I also started coaching aspiring and new bloggers. Then, three years ago, I won an award for this blog, Hands-On Parent while Earning.

I’m so grateful for what I have experienced and accomplished so far in my life as a blogger. I learned a lot through the years and I continue to learn until now. There is still a lot that I need to learn about blogging and about being an influencer. But while I’m learning, I continue to enjoy how I’m growing as a person through my blogging adventures.
Are you also a blogger or an aspiring blogger? If you are already blogging, please share if you are already monetizing your blog and how. I would love to connect with you.
If starting a blog or improving your blog is one of your goals this year, I invite you to consider checking out and availing of my coaching packages. Click here to read the details.
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