Many parents are suddenly forced to consider this education option because of the COVID-19 pandemic. A lot of parents are lost and overwhelmed by the amount of information they are reading or getting about homeschooling. Many parents do not know where to start or how to start.
Thus, I am writing this blog post hoping that I could help fellow parents who need guidance at this time.
First, why am I credible to write about homeschooling.
This is for those who are not followers of or subscribed to my blog, those who have not attended any of my talks or speaking engagements, who have not read any of my books or have not watched me on TV.
I had been homeschooling my eldest child for almost 12 years now. He has been homeschooled since birth. He has passed the PEPT (Department of Education exam) up to Grade 4. He was enrolled with a homeschool provider for Grade 5. He will be in Grade 6 this new school year. He is a world-class pianist who has passed the prestigious ABRSM exam for musicians (standardized exam given around the world) with distinction (the highest level a student can get) in the past 2 consecutive years. He is also a chess player who has won in local chess tournaments. You may read about his story here and here.
I also homeschool his two younger brothers. My second child is a current chess scholar of the Philippine Sports Commission and the National Chess Federation of the Philippines. He has won medals in the past year from various local chess tournaments. He is also a bronze-medalist in the 1st Karate Pilipinas All Division Competition organized by the PSC last year for his age group. He also passed the PEPT for Kinder and Grade 1 with perfect scores in almost all subjects.
You may read my previous posts about my children here, here and here.
We were following the child-centered, child-led, interest-led, play-based, project-based, strengths-based, faith-based, literature-based, and unschooling approach in homeschooling.
All of my kids also read at advanced levels in English (what I use as the medium of instruction in our homeschool) even though we have a very relaxed homeschool atmosphere.
Prior to being a homeschool mom, I have been an experienced practitioner in Learning and Development. I already have at least two decades of experience in this field that has been applied in various industries. I have created training plans and programs that were used locally and globally. I have traveled around the Philippines and Asia to conduct the training programs that I have designed to equip and empower employees from managerial to rank-and-file positions. I was a Learning Consultant in one of the leading telecommunications companies in the Philippines before I focused on my own consulting business. I am also a Coach and Counselor.
Now, let me get on with the step-by-step guide on how to start if you want to homeschool your child.
I recommend these steps because as a Consultant and a Coach, I follow similar steps and principles when dealing with my clients. I don’t give any recommendations to my clients without finding out about their needs or preferences first. I also do not impose on them. I enable them to make the best choices given the information available and their unique situation.

STEP 1: Begin with the end in mind by identifying your GOAL or GOALS in homeschooling your child.
What do you really want to achieve or for your child to achieve?
What is your desired destination?
Are you homeschooling temporarily just to protect your child from coronavirus? Do you plan to go back to mainstream or regular school after this pandemic?
Are you homeschooling for a season?
Are you homeschooling for the elementary years only? Or all the way to high school?
Are you homeschooling to reach a specific milestone for your child? What is that milestone?
When we were just starting, my goal was simply to establish a good and solid foundation for my eldest child’s character, faith, and education. I even told my husband that maybe I will homeschool our eldest until he is 7 years old only. But here we are and we are still homeschooling.
Our goals changed over time. That is also possible.
You might be homeschooling only because of the pandemic. But after a year or just a few months of doing it and after experiencing the many benefits, you might choose to make it your goal to homeschool for several years.
When my eldest child was assessed to be gifted and the neuropsychologist recommended that we homeschool up to Grade 6, our goal changed.
STEP 2: Identify your REASONS WHY you want to homeschool your child.
After knowing your goal or goals, now you need to know WHY you want to homeschool.
What is your burning reason for wanting to do this?
Let your reason be your anchor when challenges come your way. Homeschooling is definitely not a bed of roses. It’s not all fun even if you try to make homeschooling fun for your child.
Get your anchor ready for the upcoming storms.
As I have mentioned, homeschooling is not without challenges. It’s not a walk in the park. That’s why you have to be clear about why you are doing it.
One of my burning reasons or BIG WHY for homeschooling my children is because I want to pass on my Catholic faith to them. I want them to love the Lord and to have a strong personal relationship with Him, just like what I have. I want them to experience the richness of our faith and the Catholic traditions. I want them to live out their faith. I want them to love the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Eucharist. I want them to live holy lives. I believe that if they have Jesus as their foundation and they are anchored in God, they will not get lost even if they find themselves amid the storms of life.
Another burning reason why I chose to homeschool my children is because I want them to enjoy their childhood. I want them to have an unhurried childhood. I want to let them play longer. I want them to hold on to their innocence longer. I don’t want them to be stressed at such an early age just like many school children who are bombarded with unreasonable academic loads and schedules.
Another reason is I want them to find education and learning fun. I want them to pursue learning because they enjoy it and they see the relevance of what they are studying. I want them to learn because they want and enjoy what they are learning. They are studying not just for the grades or to pass or for a diploma. I want them to learn and study for a more meaningful reason, purpose, or goal.
Last but not least, I want more time with my children. I want a strong relationship with them that is made strong by the many bonding moments that we had during their childhood and growing years. I want to be a big part of their childhood memories. I want to be with them as they achieve their milestones. Instead of them learning from another adult, I want them to learn from me what I am capable of teaching them. I want them to achieve their dreams with me involved and by their side.
STEP 3: Observe and assess your CHILD.
Before you decide on your approach, curriculum, and homeschool provider, you need to start at home with your child.
What are your child’s needs?
What are your child’s strengths and weaknesses?
What are your child’s interests and passions?
What are the milestones that your child needs to achieve?
You need to know your child well first.
Every child is unique.
What worked for one child may not work for your child.
I know this because I have homeschooled three children. What works for my eldest may not always work with my younger children sometimes or not at all.
I have to adjust to every child.
STEP 4: Assess your FAMILY situation.
In the same way that every child is unique, every family is also unique.
What are your family’s needs and lifestyle preferences?
What are your strengths and limitations as parents?
What are your educational and work backgrounds?
What is your family budget for education and school materials?
Before asking what other families do or use or choose, start with your own family.
Research and investigate.
Educate yourself about homeschooling so you can make an informed choice. Learn what the different terms used mean.
Learn about homeschool approaches and philosophies.
Learn about learning styles.
Will homeschooling with a provider suit your child and family? Or will unschooling or being independent suit you best?
Don’t just rely on what other parents say. Ask and inquire from reputable sources and from homeschool providers themselves if you plan to get a homeschool provider.
Make a comparative study. List and analyze the pros and cons.
STEP 6: Join a homeschool SUPPORT GROUP.
It helps to connect with other families also AFTER you have done a HOME CHECK (STEPS 3 & 4).
Look for a support group that matches your beliefs, values, location or needs and interests, and your preferred approach.
Now is the time to compare notes and listen or read about the experiences of other families who have done what you plan to do.
Ask questions there in those forums. Get feedback. they say that hindsight is always 20/20. Those homeschooling parents have gained knowledge, skills, and wisdom because they have been there ahead of you. So, learn from them.
I invite you to join the Homeschooling Parents Support Group PH if you are seriously considering homeschooling your children or even if you are already homeschooling for some time.
If you are Catholic, join the Catholic Homeschooling Parents Support Group where I share a lot of free Catholic resources that you can use to educate your children about the faith.
If you have a gifted child or a twice-exceptional child or you suspect your child to be gifted, I invite you to join the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum – Philippines group.
If you have a child who likes to play chess or whom you want to learn to play chess, I invite you to join the Homeschoolers Chess Club PH.
If you want to be a homeschooling parent but you also concerned about your career or business and you need help in balancing or ordering your priorities, I invite you to join the Hands-On Parents while Earning Network.
You can find all these groups on Facebook. Just click the names of the groups on this blog post and the link will take you to the group where you can request for membership. Make sure to answer the membership questions to be automatically accepted.
STEP 7: PRAY for wisdom and guidance.
If you believe in God or you are a Christian or Catholic, pray before making a decision. Our children’s education shapes their character and future. We want to make the best choices for them. God is the source of all wisdom. If we seek Him, He will direct our steps and lead us to the right path. He will also protect us and our children from harm.
Do not be a victim of analysis-paralysis. Set a deadline when you will make your final decision or choice.
STEP 9: ACT on your decisions.
Just do it says that Nike ad. Once you have made your choice, actualize or implement your decision.
Start educating your child based on your decisions whether you choose to be an independent homeschooler or to homeschool with a provider.
Start educating your child whatever is the approach that you have chosen is best for your child’s needs, pace, learning style, interests, and goals.
Start homeschooling your child even imperfectly.
Do it afraid.
Just do it!
STEP 10: ADJUST & IMPROVE as you go along.
You will make mistakes. Don’t be afraid. Just learn from your mistakes. You will grow and improve if you learn from them.
There you have it! Ten steps to help you get started on this adventure.
I hope these steps help you.
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