Things are almost back to normal these days. There are fewer health and safety protocols related to COVID-19 in our country. But it still is good to play safe.
I’m so grateful to God that my immediate family members and I survived the COVID-19 pandemic! I know that it is only by the grace and mercy of God that we continue to be alive today.
I’m writing this blog post to look back at God’s faithfulness to our family, especially to our eldest child.
Last year, when the economy started opening up and the country restrictions were lessened last year (2022), our Parish Priest asked if our eldest child can go back to serving in the Mass again. This was, definitely, something that our eldest has been praying for during this pandemic. It was an answered prayer for him, for our family.
But I had mixed emotions. I was happy for my son. I was happy for our parish. I am happy to see my eldest son serve again as a pianist in the Mass. And yet I could not help but feel concerned or worried because the pandemic is not yet totally over. What if my son gets sick? What if the rest of our children get sick if our eldest gets sick? I think other parents, moms particularly, could relate to me.
Although I was concerned and afraid for my eldest child and our family, I chose to turn to God in faith instead of allowing my fears to hinder my son from having his prayer answered.
I give him lots of reminders before going to Mass and going to choir practices.
Unlike when he was much younger, I no longer watch over him or accompany him during choir practices. I do my best to communicate my trust in him by staying home and just giving him reminders.
But I guess a child is still a child and he sometimes forgets or simply does not like wearing masks often.
What I feared happened. He got sick. Not just once but at least twice.
At first, it was just him who got sick and it was relatively mild. So we just had him quarantined in his room.
After that, I reminded him once more to be more consistent in observing safety and health protocols. I can’t make him stop. He’s simply unstoppable. In truth, it gives him so much joy and purpose to serve in the Mass. How can I take that away from Him?
I resolved that aside from giving him lots of reminders, I just need to pray harder for his protection and that of our family members.
Our family continued to serve in our parish last Advent. Then, we all got sick one after the other just before the Simbang Gabi or Novena Masses.
My eldest was supposed to serve as the pianist during the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception last December 8. But he was still in quarantine at that time. We no longer had fevers but we were all still recovering.
I decided that we will just attend online Mass. This broke my eldest son’s heart. All the while he was thinking that if he no longer had a fever, he would still serve in the church as a pianist. He actually still practiced all the songs in the line-up. I had to remind him that we needed to quarantine to make sure we don’t spread any virus to the other people in the church.
Eventually, he no longer insisted to serve in the church and agreed to serve as the pianist in our online Mass at home.
I admired his zeal and dedication to God! Even though it was an online Mass and he didn’t need to play the piano since the online Mass that we joined had choirs also, he still played the piano with much energy. He played all the songs he would have played if he was in the church serving!
I knew in my heart that God, our Father, and Mama Mary were so pleased with him that day. He was still recovering but he chose to give God his all, his best, even when there was no big audience seeing him serve except his immediate family members.
I was so touched by his gesture and service to God and our family.
As soon as he was finished with his quarantine, he wanted to serve again in the Mass. He fervently prayed that he’d get to serve during the Christmas Novena Masses. I was actually asked if he could serve in one Simbang Gabi. But he was still in quarantine at that time. So, I declined. Then, an opportunity came up. But it was going to be during the last Dawn Mass.

My son is not a morning person. He is a night owl like me. It would be extremely difficult for him to wake up that early. Still, I shared the opportunity with him and let him decide. Surprisingly, he chose to commit to the choir as their pianist that day. We were all surprised!
True enough, on the last Dawn Mass of 2022, my eldest son, Yanthy, served as a pianist for the very first time in his life. He served as a pianist in the Simbang Gabi, evening Masses, many times before the pandemic. But last year was his first time serving in the Dawn Masses. I was so proud of him!
Then, he served again during the Christmas Vigil Solemn or High Mass of our parish as well as the New Year’s Eve Mass. It was his first time again to serve in the High Masses on Christmas Eve and on New Year’s Eve. He has been serving in the past on these days but he usually serves during the early evening Masses. But last year, the Head of our parish’s Music Ministry was sick. That’s why my eldest son’s service was much needed.

I was really happy for him. Last year was a year of many firsts for him in his service in the Music Ministry. He was living out his dream. But not without facing dangers like sickness and possible death due to the COVID-19 virus.
I was happy and proud of my eldest son. But I couldn’t help but also debate with myself sometimes if I should continue letting him serve since he has been getting sick.
But then again, I go back to God and entrust my son to Him.
I prayed for children who would choose to live holy lives and who will love God and serve God with their all. And God has granted my prayer. I realized that it wasn’t also easy to live out our answered prayers. We can experience a mixture of emotions while living out our dreams.
My eldest child got sick again after the New Year. But he recovered just in time for the Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord. As usual, he served as a pianist again in the Masses in our parish.
I guess this is really the life that my eldest son has chosen for himself. I know I need to grow in faith and strength as I continue to watch him and let him.
Aside from turning to the Father for faith and mercy, I also turn to Mama Mary. I know that she understands how I feel. She raised and watched her Son, Jesus, live out His purpose.

I still pray that God would protect my eldest child from sickness and untimely death. I still pray that the pandemic would be completely over. But more than these, I pray that my eldest child would choose to be faithful to God for the rest of his days. I pray also that I would not hinder him in living out his calling and purpose in life.
Today, I was blessed again to witness my eldest son’s dedication and commitment to God and His Church. While the rest of our family members were resting and relaxing, he was busy. He was diligently preparing for Lent by learning new songs for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week. I had to tell him a number of times to rest and have a snack and that Holy Week is still far.

I praise and thank God for allowing me to have a glimpse of the fruits of my labors. It is not every day that I get to witness these kinds of scenes or moments. My kids are far from perfect, including my eldest child. He has struggles similar to what many teenagers these days experience.
But today, I witnessed another wonderful scene. I do not waste time telling him and reminding him that I am proud of him. I am proud of what he is doing for God and His Church.
I pray that he would always be zealous for God and that whatever happens, in sickness and in health, he would still choose to love God with his whole mind, soul, and strength.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are living according to the truth.
3 John 1:4
P.S. If you want to know how my eldest child got started in serving in our parish, I invite you to buy and read a copy of my award-winning book Yanthy: God’s Little Pianist. It’s available in our online shop. I also invite you to follow his Facebook Page and his YouTube channels here and here.
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