It has been more than a week since the global virtual launch of my latest book titled Homeschool Moms at the Feet of Jesus. I still feel so thankful and amazed at the results!
Glory and thanks be to God for these results!

We had a free book download promotion as part of the Amazon global launch. I’m happy to share that we had amazing results! My book ranked #1 on five (5) Amazon Bestseller Lists or categories and it was in the Top 10 of other categories as well.

I wasn’t confident about this launch. In truth, I was nervous and I felt unprepared.
My parents had been sick in the past months. My father who has been battling with his longtime sickness had medical emergencies recently. My mom who has been taking care of him has been getting sick as well. Then, my brother also got sick on the weekend before my launch. A few days before my book launch, I found out that my father’s condition has deteriorated.
I felt like I was bombarded with attacks from all sides. I felt all these burdens and worries crushing me. I could hardly think straight and plan well for my book launch.
But, deep in my heart, God was moving me to still push through with the global launch. I, honestly, didn’t feel enthusiastic about it in the beginning. I didn’t feel capable of planning and preparing for a successful launch this time around because of our family concerns.
God was insistent, however. He didn’t want me to give up on one of my goals and dreams this year. He wanted me to push through with my global virtual book launch so I can reach more moms and help more families through my latest book. He wanted me to bring more moms and their children closer to Him.
Launching my book was not just for me. It was mainly to win more hearts for Jesus.
So, with the little faith and courage that I had, I surrendered to God my hesitations, worries, fears, and anxieties. I surrendered the results to God. I let God lead me and strengthen me.
I prayed fervently for my concerns and for my book launch.

Then, days before the launch, my former virtual assistant who has been helping me in my previous book launches offered to help me out again this time around.
I knew in my heart that it was God who moved her heart to help me again. She initially declined because of her own concerns and current workload. But, God used her change of heart to affirm me that, truly, He is my help in times of need.
By the grace of God, we were able to do much of the things we normally do for my book launches on Amazon.
There were also bloggers and influencers who helped us spread the word about my latest book and the free book download promotion.

Moreover, my brother got the medical attention that he needed and his blood pressure which became elevated was back to normal.
After my book launch, my husband, kids and I visited my parents. We got to encourage my father and convinced him to take his medicines again and to eat and drink so he would get stronger again.
He is still very sick. But, I am thankful that he is still alive and we are able to talk to him and make him happy through our visits, conversations, and stories.
So, what have I learned in my latest book launch?
- God is faithful. God is with me always. He is my strength and my courage. Just like what 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 says, “8 We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. 9 We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. 10 Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.” (New Living Translation) I was weighed down by my troubles but God did not leave me or forsake me. I kept reminding myself that the God who helped me in my past book launches is the same God who will help me in my latest book launch. And He did! I know that if not for His help, we will not achieve these wonderful results.
- Amazing things can happen when we believe and trust in God. Nothing is impossible with God. I have learned this before but I learned this again in my recent book launch amid different kinds of trials and challenges. The number of people on my email list for this book launch was smaller than my previous Amazon launch. That did not hinder me from trusting God. I knew that even if I do not have an email list, God can make my book #1 on Amazon if He wills it. My assistant and I did our best to make the launch successful. But, I know that the most helpful factor in my success was God’s favor upon me. I chose to believe in Him again and trust in His love and power. And He did not disappoint me. He showed me what He can do and I was surprised that my latest book became #1 in more Amazon categories than my previous books.
- Sometimes when there is something good, big, and amazing that is about to happen, there are also a lot of challenges that happen first. That’s what happened to me and my latest book launch. I thank God for the grace He gave me to continue believing and trusting in Him despite the many challenges I went through on the way to the success that He was about to give me. I thank God for the grace to keep on holding on to Him even in my weaknesses and fears. he was the One who saw me through.
- Every disciple’s love, loyalty, and commitment to His Master is tested. God tested my loyalty, commitment, and love to Him while I was preparing and working on my book launch. My writing is also my ministry. My books are written to proclaim God’s Word, love, goodness, and mercy. Thus, when I learned that the members of my family of origin were sick, I felt torn. God assured me, though, that as I work in His vineyard, He will take care of my family also. That’s what God did during the days of my recent book launch.
- Nothing can stop God from moving me to my destiny. Nothing can stop me from receiving what God has set apart for me. Nothing can stop me from living out the purpose that God has given me. All those challenges and troubles seemed to get in my way. There were many times when I contemplated postponing my book launch. Still, God kept reminding me of the lessons He has taught me in my past book launches. He gave me confidence, not so much in my own abilities, but more in His power and love.
Those were the top 5 lessons that I learned in my recent book launch. I hope that these words inspire you if you are going through challenges also on your way to the pursuit of your dreams and goals.

Are you also dreaming of writing a book? I am conducting a series of talks for aspiring authors. Check out the details here.
If you are a homeschool mom and you do not have a copy of my latest book yet, I invite you to download a copy of Homeschool Moms at the Feet of Jesus. It’s a devotional that aims to bring you to a personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. Click here to buy a copy from Amazon. You can download it using your phone, tablet, or computer. If you do not have a Kindle, you just need to download the Kindle app to read the ebook.

You can also join these two support groups (Homeschooling Parents Support Group PH or Catholic Homeschooling Parents Support Group) on Facebook that I run if you want to receive more tips and resources on homeschooling.
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