After two years of waiting, finally, my second child had his First Holy Communion last Sunday at the Parish of the Holy Sacrifice or more popularly called UP Chapel.
My heart was filled with so much joy and thanksgiving that my son’s First Holy Communion has pushed through.
He was already attending catechism classes in our parish in 2020. But the pandemic happened and their catechism was put on hold for a long time.
It was a good thing that, last year, I learned that there is a parish that will conduct their catechism for First Communicants online and kids from other parishes can also attend even if they will have their First Holy Communion in another parish. This was the Christ the King Parish in Green Meadows. The one heading the ministry for the children’s catechism is also a homeschooling parent who is part of the same Facebook group that I am a part of. This was a huge blessing and an answered prayer because there was no online catechism in our parish in 2020 and last year. So, I grabbed the opportunity.

Mateo enjoyed the online classes every Saturday for around 2 months last year. Even his brothers joined his classes sometimes. He completed all the classes and when he missed one class, the recording was shared with us. Thus, he was still able to watch it.
At first, I was thinking of having a private Mass for our family where Mateo will receive his First Holy Communion. But the fee is a bit high and we had many medical expenses last year due to my father’s illness.
Next, I considered having it during the Advent or Christmas season while the pandemic Alert Level was low in Metro Manila. But my father got very sick at that time.
This year, when the Alert Level in Metro Manila became 1 again, I wasted no time searching for possible options for the church where he could have his First Confession and First Holy Communion.
Since the pandemic is not yet completely over, I wanted to play it safe and I checked out churches or parishes first that were open and not enclosed.
It was a blessing that one of my friends shared with me that the Greenbelt Chapel in Makati is holding their confessions in the open and not in the enclosed room where they used to have them. I had been thinking of going to confession; but, I didn’t know where I could go safely. When I learned about this option, I thought that our family could go there for confession during Lent while we are at Alert Level 1.

I helped Mateo prepare for his First Confession. My husband, our eldest child, and I had our confession also a few days before the start of Holy Week. Mateo is now one more step closer to receiving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

I inquired at Greenbelt Chapel if they hold First Communions in their parish, but they said no. My next safe option was the UP Chapel. Our family has attended several Masses in that church during the pandemic when kids were allowed to go out. It’s farther from our place of residence, but the church is also open like the Greenbelt Chapel. I inquired through their Facebook page as soon as I got Greenbelt Chapel’s reply.
I got replies to my inquiries quickly and they were willing to accept the certification that will be issued by CTK or Christ the King Parish that Mateo has completed his catechism for First Holy Communion. When I found out that they will allow him to have his First Holy Communion in their parish, we wasted no time securing the requirements (Baptismal Certificate and the certification from CTK that he completed his catechism for First Holy Communion through their parish) and we submitted them right away during Holy Wednesday.
My target or goal was that Mateo would have his First Holy Communion during the Easter season and while the NCR is still at Alert Level 1. I don’t want it to be pushed back or postponed again due to the ever-changing Alert Levels.
I fervently prayed for this intention and as the end of April was fast approaching, I was slowly getting nervous. It was a good thing that I was assured by the staff at the UP Chapel’s parish office that Mateo will definitely have his First Holy Communion on the last week of April or on May 1 at the latest.
I prepared Mateo’s things and the other concerns related to this event even before I got the confirmed date from the church. I wanted to be ready just in case we would be informed of it soon. I didn’t want Mateo to wait much longer.
I bought a new white long-sleeved polo and black belt for him via SM’s online personal shopper.
I planned where we will have our lunch al fresco, where we will buy cake, what cake flavor to order, what our outfits will be, and what will be our gift to Mateo on that day. It’s a big help that we can now order things online. Days before the event and most especially the day before, I was busy searching and ordering what we need for this special day.
I bought his gifts (a prayer book for First Communion with a white rosary and a volume from Fr. Lovasik’s Book of Saints) from St. Paul’s Online Shop via their Facebook page and a new light blue striped polo shirt from an online seller.
And so it happened and it has been a glorious and joyful day for all of us, especially Mateo!

I cooked pancakes for our breakfast that day. Then, I gave Mateo our gifts to him after eating.

Mateo had his First Holy Communion on May 1 during the 12 noon Mass. The Parish Priest of the Parish of the Holy Sacrifice, Fr. Jose “Bong” Tupino III, was the one who celebrated the Mass and who gave Jesus to him.

It happened exactly 1 year after his first online catechism with CTK which was on May 1, 2021.
We had our lunch at the University Hotel inside the UP campus after we had our pictures taken at the chapel. I made a reservation already 2 days before the event. I also asked what kind of payment options they accept. They accept cash, credit cards, Paymaya, and even GCash. Perfect!

It was the first time for my husband and kids to go and eat at the University Hotel. It was my first time going back there after 2 decades, I think. When I was still single, the Catholic Charismatic Community that I was a part of held their prayer meetings in one of the function rooms of the hotel. I was happy to be back there on such a happy occasion.

Although I reserved a table near the garden, our family opted to sit in another part of the restaurant when we found out that they had a piano. My kids love playing the piano so they were delighted when they saw one. Of course, they wanted to play the piano. We were glad they gave us permission to use it.

My eldest played a lot of songs while we were waiting for our order and even after eating. The two younger boys tried to play a few songs too. Then, they enjoyed walking around the spacious open grounds and garden and took lots of photos.
After eating lunch at the restaurant, we went to visit my mother and brother in San Mateo where we planned to have our dessert and afternoon snack. Actually, we ordered a cake to be delivered to their place while we were still at the University Hotel so we could avail of a discount.

I was happy to celebrate this important and once-in-a-lifetime milestone for my son with my mother and brother even though there is a pandemic. This was only the second time that we had a meal with them since the pandemic started. We were very cautious since we have young children and my mother is already old.
To help make Mateo’s milestone extra memorable and special, I also asked for messages and prayers from his godparents and grandparents from my husband’s side. Then, I let him read these messages and prayers.
It was really a wonderful time for all of us! God answered my many prayers for Mateo’s First Holy Communion. Glory, praise and thanks be to God!
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