My three boys had fun learning Spanish this summer through Teacher Sarah’s online Spanish classes. They attended online Spanish classes daily for four weeks this May.
This was one of our big blessings this summer! Let me tell you why.
First, they got to attend these online classes for FREE!!!
Second, each class is independent of the other classes. You don’t need to attend the previous classes to attend the next class.
There are recordings of the live online classes (done via Zoom). Our kids only watched the recordings because we are in a different time zone and we prefer to take the classes based on our availability.
Third, they had interesting and fun themes each week. During the first week, the theme was PETS. On the second week, it was OUTER SPACE. On their last week, it was the movie ENCANTO. My youngest child’s favorite was the class wherein they were asked to find the candle in the house during the Encanto-themed week. He liked it the most because he was happy to correctly guess where the candle was hidden in the house three times.
But because I won bonus classes for my kids at the beginning of the month, my kids got free access to Teacher Sarah’s recorded STAR WARS classes, too. My kids watched these recorded Star Wars-themed Spanish classes days before the official start of Teacher Sarah’s Free May classes, which started officially on May 9. They loved answering the trivia questions about Star Wars in Spanish because they were die-hard Star Wars fans like their Dad. hahaha
Fourth, aside from the interesting themes, the classes also included doing fun activities like drawing Star Wars characters, flying a rocket (Science experiment), baking or making snacks and drinks, and imagining your own planet.
Fifth, the online classes are short enough for my kids’ attention span. The classes are usually around 30 minutes including the Q & A portion and the greetings or when the teacher greets the students as they join the live Zoom class.
Sixth, Teacher Sarah gave us lifetime access to the recordings on the online classes in May!!! Isn’t that great?
Last but not the least, when I won bonus classes for my boys, I also won a new board game. Guess what the new board game is? Star Wars Monopoly! Now, the game is my second child’s new favorite game. We played the game as soon as we received it. Watch out for my review of that board game here on my blog. The Star Wars classes were my second child’s favorite classes this May also.

Because my kids enjoyed their Spanish classes with Teacher Sarah and her team, I asked the two younger ones if they would like to learn or reinforce their Spanish lessons using the Duolingo app. It is a platform that they can use for free also to learn other languages. My eldest learned Spanish using this app many years ago also. So, I know it is a fun app to use. The online lessons with Teacher Sarah were like review classes for him of what he learned in Spanish many years ago. Even though it was a review for him, my eldest still enjoyed the classes because the themes were interesting. His favorite class was when they imagined their own planet. He even made PowerPoint slides days after the class because he enjoyed imagining the details very much. The last time I checked, he already had 15 slides.
Right now, my eldest is learning Latin too using Duolingo. Watch out for my detailed review of this app here on my blog, too.
My two younger boys only created accounts on Duolingo last week but both of them are now in the Silver League. My 7-year-old is now in the Top 6 of the Silver League. His older brother who started a couple of days later is now in the Top 14.
Since May is also a month in honor of the Virgin Mary and the month when Flores de Mayo and Santacruzan are done in the Philippines, I asked the kids to learn the Spanish song Dios Te Salve, Maria. This is a song that is usually sung during the Santacruzan. Learning the song will help them memorize the prayer Hail Mary in Spanish also. My eldest son has already learned how to play the song on the piano. He just needs to polish it a bit more and play it slower. We will be recording his video soon playing that song on the piano. You can watch it on his YouTube channel (Yanthy’s Music).
If you want to take a look at how Teacher Sarah teaches Spanish online, I suggest that you check out her YouTube channel Sarah’s Spanish School also. I would recommend her and her classes to those who are looking for fun and affordable online Spanish lessons for their kids.
We’ll have one more week of daily online Spanish lessons probably with Teacher Sarah wherein we will watch the Spanish classes that had been recorded and then we will segue to studying Filipino again this June. We will continue to watch the recordings of the other Spanish classes too but not daily anymore starting next month.
One of the reasons I let my kids study Spanish is because there are so many Filipino words that came from Spanish and they have the same meanings. They only differ in spelling most of the time. There are also many Spanish words in the Visayan dialects in the Philippines. Thus, I felt that we’d be hitting several birds with the study of Spanish.
I’m delighted that I discovered these free online Spanish classes by Teacher Sarah and her team which sparked the interest of my boys to learn Spanish. It also moved my eldest child to use Spanish more. He has started writing his blessings in Spanish now. (We have a daily habit of journaling our blessings.)
My boys even changed the language setting of our Alexa app at home. Our Alexa device now speaks both English and Spanish. That was a good idea so that they have someone to practice their Spanish with aside from me. My Spanish is so rusty! hahaha I joined most of their classes also so that I would remember and I can speak to them in Spanish.
I am more than satisfied with our summer lessons this year! Truly, we can homeschool and find quality homeschool materials even on a budget. I praise and thank God for a truly blessed and fruitful summer for my boys!
How about you? What did your kids do or learn this summer? Learning Spanish is just one of what my kids did this summer. Share your answer in the comment section. I’d love to discover more budget-friendly classes and resources.
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