I shared in one of my previous blog posts here that my One Word for 2021 is NEW.
I also shared that my One Bible Verse for 2021 is Isaiah 43:19 which says, “I am creating something NEW! There it is! Do you see it? I have put roads on deserts, streams in thirsty lands.” (NEW was capitalized by me for emphasis.)
Do you also do this? Choosing a word and a Bible verse that you’d focus on for the year? You can read more about my practice of choosing my One Word and One Bible Verse here.
I already knew what new things that God wanted me to do as early as Christmas last year. Podcasting was one of them.
Thus, I’m happy to share with you, my dear blog readers, that you can also find and follow me as well through my podcast Follow God with Teresa. It is now available on Spotify, Apple, Google, and on our new website (for it).
We have just uploaded the third episode this morning and you can already listen to the first three episodes on Spotify. Click here if you use Spotify often and prefer to listen to me there.
If you prefer to listen to Apple Podcasts, this is the link.

It takes some time before the newly uploaded episode is reflected on the other platforms, so in case you could not find our latest episodes on some platforms yet, check out our website where you will surely find the latest episode and all the episodes.
It would also help if you will like and follow our Facebook page (Follow God with Teresa Podcast) for this podcast on Facebook so you’d be notified right away once we have new episodes.
It took me a while to launch this because I knew nothing about podcasting. I had to research, read and learn a lot of new things just to do it.
My husband and I are still learning as we go along. We hope to improve as we grow more knowledgeable on podcasting and I get more comfortable doing this.
I’m so blessed because I have a husband who is very supportive and is more capable (compared to me) in understanding and learning easily what needs to be done to make a podcast. I would not be able to launch this soon if he did not help me in the post-production stage. He was also the one who built my new website. Actually, he built all my websites.
In truth, he has done more work than me in making my podcast available already. He has been my tech support ever since.
Thus, this milestone and accomplishment are also his, not just mine.
Why Did I Start a Podcast?
I was hesitant to start a podcast even though many people have suggested that to me already in the past. One reason is for that is that it would mean additional work for me. My plate is already full. But, sometimes, we just have to take in some more because of love.
This podcast is my expression of love to God. This was something that He wanted me to do for Him. So, I’m doing it!
My husband and I may have taken a while to make it available, but I believe that this is just the right time, the perfect time to launch it because it is still the Love Month. The first two episodes were actually made available on Spotify on Valentine’s Day.

This podcast is my husband and I’s gift to God on Valentine’s Day and this Love Month!
Another reason that I think this is just the right time to launch it is because we have just entered the season of Lent. We are invited to draw closer to God during this time and to nourish our relationship with Him even more. So, if you are a Christian or Catholic and you want to grow in your relationship with God even more, I invite you to follow God with me by following my podcast.
I also think that doing this is good witnessing and role modeling to our children.
Aside from showing them that obeying God’s will for our lives is one way to show our love for Him, we are also modeling to them courage and the growth mindset. It takes a lot of courage to go outside of our comfort zone. Podcasting is outside my comfort zone. Writing is my comfort zone. But God wants me to grow. He wants me to stretch some more and do new things. So, He asked me to do this new thing. Now, I’m also a podcaster and not just a writer!

As I study and learn new skills, I’m showing our kids that it’s okay to make mistakes and to be a beginner again in a different field. That we need to keep on learning every year, every day.
This is helpful for me and my husband as we continue to homeschool our children this year.
I remember one time when my husband was talking to one of our sons who was struggling with perseverance. He gave me as an example to our son. He cited how I keep on recording over and over until I get it right for a specific episode or part of an episode. He shared with our son how I sometimes have to do it many times before I finish an episode.
That’s really what happens when you are doing something new. You are on a learning curve. It may take some time before you become good at it. But you need to persevere. And it helps if your reason for doing this new thing is clear to you.
I think that’s what helps me a lot. It’s clear to me why I am doing this podcast and who I’m doing it for. I’m doing it out of love for God. Therefore, even if I get tired and I lose a lot of sleep because of it, it’s okay. I’m willing to make all those sacrifices.
I hope that our children will see that and learn from my example.
I also hope that through this podcast, I’d be able to inspire more people to love and follow God more closely and passionately.
How about you? What new things are you learning this year? What goals are you working on or have you achieved already this new year? Feel free to share in the comments.
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