We’re down to the last 10 days of the first month of the new year. Would you believe that?
Wow! Time flies even during in quarantine!
Have you set your goals for the new year already? Did you already make your New Year’s resolutions?
It’s not yet too late if you have not done this.
I love introspecting and planning even before I got married. Planning and dreaming are some of my favorite activities to do. I enjoy doing these a lot!
Now that I am married with kids, I teach these things to my children also.
Every year, either before the year ends or on the first few days of the new year, I lead our kids in identifying their goals and resolutions for the new year. It’s my way of encouraging them to have a growth mindset. I want them to strive to keep on improving themselves every year and every day.
I want them to have dreams, big dreams and small dreams alike.
Then, after identifying their dreams, goals, and resolutions for the new year, I lead them into a dream or vision board-making exercise.
These are our yearly traditions at home and in our homeschool. That is part of their education.

My kids may be young but slowly, they are learning these important skills.
They are also experiencing and reaping the results of doing these activities every year. They get to achieve many of their dreams and goals and that gives them a lot of joy and fulfillment. It gives them confidence that they have the capacity to dream and make them come true.
This is one of my gifts to my children — empowerment!
Reading my children’s resolutions, goals and dreams enables me to get to know them better and gain insight into their thoughts and their hearts.
I enjoy reading their answers and listening to them explain or elaborate on them.
One of my kids said that he will fight less with his brothers this year. Another said that he will shout less at his brother.
One of my kids said he wants his rating in Lichess to reach 1800. Another kid said he wants to learn to play a new song on the piano every week. Another said that he wants to gain weight.
I remind them daily to read what they have listed so they would not forget about them and they would do what they said they will do to achieve them.
Let me share with you the latest version of the New Year’s Resolutions and Goals worksheet that I made for my children. I answered it too. It’s my way of leading them by example. Then, I posted it on the wall behind my computer so I could read it often daily as I work in my home office.
Let me share some of my answers with you.
Among the things that I want to do more of this 2021 are exercising and playing with my kids. Last Christmas season, I tried to play at least one game daily with my children. I used to play with my kids a lot when they were much younger. But as they grew older and as I got busier with work, I have played less with them. When I realized that it’s doable to play at least one game with my children each day, no matter how busy I am, I made a decision and a commitment to make this my goal in 2021. And so far, I had been successful in doing it this year!
I also made a commitment to sleep earlier this year. Hopefully, I could sleep before midnight. I’m such a night owl. My kids are the same. But, I want to strive to overcome this tendency and sleep earlier and wake up earlier too. If I can do this, I can set an example to my kids that it is possible. Please pray for me. I had been struggling with this for years. There are just so many nights when many ideas come to me and I could not help but get up again and write or work on these ideas. I’m so productive at night! hahaha
Anyway, you can download a copy of this worksheet here and you are free to use with to write your own resolutions and goals or ask your children to answer it too. My youngest who is only 6 years old answered it as well.
If you need some inspiration, I invite you to read some of my previous blog posts. I have written about goal-setting in some of my previous posts here in this blog. You can read SMART Goals for Smart Moms and Dads here as well as New Year Parenting Goals.

If you still need more help in goal-setting and you are serious about setting yourself up for success this 2021 even though there is still a pandemic, I invite you to register for my upcoming online workshops called Best Year Yet Series. This series includes the Get Your Gold Goal-Setting Workshop and the Manage Your Time, Manage Your Life: Time Management Workshop. The first one will be held on January 30 at 4 PM. That’s just 9 days away. You still have time to avail of the Early Bird Rate of P600 for the goal-setting workshop. The second workshop will be on February 6 at 4 PM also. You can save P501 by signing up for both online workshops for only P999! What a steal, right?
I had been conducting these kinds of workshops for decades and they are among my favorites. It gives me so much joy and fulfillment whenever I help and equip people to achieve their dreams and goals. It’s one of my favorite ways of making a difference in people’s lives.
So, if you want to end 2021 with a bang, pandemic or no pandemic, begin with your end in mind as early as now. Visualize what you want to happen in your life this year and set goals accordingly.
You may read more about these online workshops and register for them here.
I hope to see you in one or both of these online workshops! In case you are not available on the said dates, a recording of the online workshops will be made accessible to you.
Click interested or going also on our Facebook event pages for these two online workshops here and here.
Cheers to a much better year for all of us this 2021!
Feel free to share some of your New Year’s Resolutions and goals on the comments!
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