I was recalling my biggest blessings for the year 2018 on New Year’s Eve when God revealed to me what my One Word will be for the year 2019. At the back of my mind, I also prayed to God that He lead me to my One Word for the year.
One of my habits every December 31, even when I was still single, is to thank God for the blessings and victories I’ve had in the past year. Then, before the day/year ends, I would give thanks to God and worship Him. When I was still single, I would do this with my closest friends. Now that I am married, I do this with my husband and kids.
#OneWord for 2018
I had an amazingly victorious year! I experience a flood of favor from God! I can confidently say that 2018 was indeed my year of favor. Can you gues what my One Word for 2018 was?
Obviously, it was FAVORED. And it was rooted on the Bible verses that God led me to as well.
“Rejoice, you highly-FAVORED one! The Lord is with you… thus you will find favor and success in the sight of God and of people.”
My heart is filled with so much joy, praise and thanksgiving because God helped me fulfill not just one but numerous God-sized dreams in just a span of one year!
He could have scheduled the fulfillment of these God-sized dreams one by one each year and that would still be great! My God-sized dreams are like bucket list dreams. The difference is that their fulfillment is not entirely up to me. They are not as simple as going to a certain place or doing something. My God-sized dreams are quite difficult to achieve and they truly require the favor of both God and men.

The photo collage above will give you a glimpse to my biggest favors, blessings and victories from God in 2018.
I had a hard time actually making a collage because there is so much that I would like to include.
Let me enumerate some of the biggest FAVORS I received from God last year.
- I got to finish an e-book and launched it on Amazon during my birthday month.
- My e-book became an Amazon bestseller during its launch.
- I found a local publisher who printed one of my children’s stories. That was Vibal/Chikiting Books.
- I got to launch a book at the Manila International Book Fair. That was through my children’s book Maliit na ang Palda ni Isay.
- I got to launch my advocacy called #IsayGoestoSchools, which is a book donation drive and a public school tour. I found generous donors and a sponsor for my book donations.
- I won in the 12th Cardinal Sin Book Awards e-books category last September for my latest e-book that also became an Amazon bestseller.
- I won in the 40th Catholic Mass Media Awards last November for this blog Hands-On Parent while Earning.
- I also got recognized in other organizations that recognize bloggers locally and in Asia.
- I was invited as a guest in various radio programs several times this year.
- I had numerous speaking engagements including the following: FWD event, Break Free event, HR Summit Global, the first Global Authors Summit and the Overseas Filipinos Summit. I also conducted trainings and workshops for both repeat clients and new clients like Unilab and PHPC Co. Ltd. Inc.
- In spite of my super busy schedule, I still got to achieve my goal of having at least once a quarter vacations with my family.
- I even got a”sponsor” for our Christmas vacation.
- Last but not the least, I got to plan, organize and host my second child’s 7th birthday party last November even though that was also my most hectic month wherein I had to give 3 talks and I was finishing a deliverable for a new HR client.
These are just some of my biggest blessings in 2018.
This list does not include the goals and dreams I have set for our homeschool and my children.
2018 was not only a year of favor for me but for my children as well. That’s why I’m so thankful to God at the end of the year.

- He won
2nd place in his first Chess tournament. - He got 2 medals in his first Karate tournament.
- He is now an orange belter in Karate.
- He had his voice recitals this year.
- Was able to join and finish a 1k race at the Crayola run.
- Improved his swimming skills through his first swimming class last summer.
- First time to join SM’s Shining Star contest. Sang before a big crowd at SM BF.
- Had
a fun and successful 7th birthday party. - First time to join Lego classes last summer.
- Finished several STEM classes this year.
- Celebrated his 3rd year anniversary of serving in the children’s choir in our parish.

- One of
Yanthy’s biggest wins is passing the ABRSM piano practical exam with distinction. Passing this exam helped him fulfill his dream of becoming a world-class pianist. - He had a piano recital at Manila Pianos this summer wherein he got a medal for best recitalist.
- He joined a Karate tournament for the first time, together with his younger brother, and won a medal.
- He is now a yellow belter in Karate.
- He won in a Bible Quiz together with his teammates that included me.
- He was able to join a chess tournament for the first time.
- He was able to join and finish a 1k race at the Crayola run.
- He was able to audition for a theater role for the first time when he auditioned for young Simba of The Lion King musical.
- He had his recital again where he sang while playing the piano.
- He performed in our Parish Priest’s sacerdotal anniversary.
- First time to join Lego classes last summer.
- Finished several STEM classes this year.
- Improved his swimming skills through his first swimming class last summer.
- Last but not least, he celebrated his 3rd anniversary of serving as a pianist in our parish.
I thank the Lord for the favors He has extended to my children!
#OneWord for 2019
That’s why when God led me to my One Word for 2019, I felt excited. 2018 is my best year so far or my best year to date. I received favor upon favor upon favor from God. And not just small favors but huge favors from Him. Yet, in his extravagant love for me, He says that He is giving me MORE favors and victories this 2019! Wow! I can’t fully imagine how much MORE my amazing God and Father wants to flood me with. But just the same, I welcome this MORE that He is bringing into my life and I claim them as early as today.
One of the things God used to reveal to me my One Word for this year is Brother Bo Sanchez’ book Get Ready for More. I have read this before. But God moved me to review some parts of it on New Y
Another thing that God used to lead me to this One Word is a quotation from Pastor Joel Osteen that appeared in my Facebook memory on December 31. It’s a reminder that I have not reached my limits yet. That I should strive to be more and do more.
So, I searched for a Bible verse that has the word MORE in it that captures God’s message and direction for me this year. I’m glad that I found Ephesians 3:20-21 (NIV).

God used the priest’s homily earlier in the Mass also to affirm me that MORE is my #OneWord for 2019 and that this version of the Bible verse will be my guiding verse for 2019. This version of these verses reminds me of God’s message to me that I have a limitless God and that I have not reached my limits and His limits. He reminded me that there is no limit to His power, goodness, love
Therefore, this 2019, I pray that…
I will experience MORE of Him.
I will rely MORE on Him.
I will grow MORE
so I can serve MORE people and touch MORE lives.
I will glorify Him MORE.
May God continue to be glorified through the work of my hands and in every blog post, talk, training or workshop that I do. May He be glorified as well as I perform my different roles which include being a wife and mother to my children.
Happy New Year, dear readers!
Do you also list down your blessings and wins at the end of each year? Do you also do this exercise of coming up with a word or Bible verse that will serve as your guide or direction for the year?
If yes, feel free to share your One Word and Bible verse in the comments. If not, I encourage you to try it. It’s powerful! I have been doing this in the past years and every year, I get to achieve more of my big dreams.
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