Today, we celebrated our 9th anniversary of moving and living in our current house. When we first moved to our current house, our eldest child was only 4.5 years old and our second child was 1.5 years old. Our youngest child was still in the mind of God and was an egg in my ovary.

Today, we already have a teenager, and a preteen and our youngest is already 7 years old.
We had so many beautiful memories in this house!

This house and lot were not only material blessings from the Lord. This also paved the way for many spiritual blessings for our family.
We would not be able to afford this house and lot if not for the help, graciousness, and mercy of God. I wrote and shared our story of how God led us to this property and how God helped us to pay for it in Kerygma Magazine many years ago.

Today, I’d like to pause and share with you on this blog the favorite spots in our house of each of our family members.
Earlier over dinner, I asked each one of them, my husband and my kids, to find out their favorite spots.
My eldest child said, his favorite spot is their bedroom which we call the blue room.

My middle child has two favorite spots: our garage and the biggest room in our house which we call the green room. He said that he likes the garage because they play many kinds of games there. He likes the green room because that is where we usually homeschool and where he does his lessons. They also play there when they are already done with their lessons and chores. Most of their toys are stored in this room inside drawers, plastic boxes, and Lego containers.

Our youngest child’s favorite spot in our house is beside the stairs where we have set up a tent. He loves this tent very much because that is where he usually plays with his stuffed toys. He also plays with his other toys there. There were times when he and his brothers slept there inside the tent to play or do glamping or pretend to be camping. Beside it is a hammock. My husband and I bought these (the hammock and the tent) one summer during the lockdown due to the COVID pandemic. He also likes the green room because most of their toys are in this room. He said he likes their bedroom also.

My husband’s favorite spot is our bedroom now or what we call the yellow room. This was originally our guest room. The original master’s bedroom was the green room that’s why it was the biggest bedroom in the house. But, we eventually moved to the yellow room to save on electricity costs. Since it was a smaller room, we needed a smaller air conditioning unit for it. This means lower electricity bills also. Then, we used the green room as a home office and a homeschool room. That’s where most of our bookcases are.
Now, let me share my favorite spots in our house. I have three!
My first favorite spot is our living area. I love it because that’s where we make a lot of happy memories playing with each other, making music, or listening to music played by our children on the piano or by my husband on the guitar. We also have books and magazines on our center table, ottoman and divider. I like lounging here and spending some of my me-time reading or listening to music from Spotify via our Echo device. During this pandemic when we are home almost all the time, especially during the lockdowns, this is where we usually have our online Masses.

My next favorite spot in our house is our dining area. I love it because that is where we eat together daily and where we had birthday celebrations in our family.
My third favorite spot is my home office. This is where I have toiled through the years as a work-at-home mom. This home office was where I strove to work and accomplish my goals and dreams. I have achieved many of these goals and dreams with the help of my home office equipment. This is also where I planned, researched, prepared, and printed my children’s homeschool materials.
We had a simple celebration today for our house/home anniversary. I cooked pork nilaga on this rainy day. I think the rain reminded me that we had been rained down or soaked with countless blessings while living in this house. My husband made a special and refreshing Milo drink after that. While he was making our drink, our eldest child and I were collaborating on making an AVP for our house anniversary. We watched it before playing Scrabble as a family. We had pizza and pasta for dinner. Last but not the least, we joined an online Mass and our kids played the piano during the Mass.
In between, I tried to do some cleaning.
What a wonderful day it has been!
“This is the day the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
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