It has been a whirlwind kind of adventure for me in the past months since the launch of my latest children’s book “Pasko Pa Rin” at the Manila International Book Fair in September. I wrote about it on this previous blog post.
Since then, I had been busy left and right with book promotions, fund raising for my Christmas book donation drive and outreaches around the country.
I’m so thankful and blessed that our Parish Priest, Monsignor Melchor David, allowed me to have a book launch in our parish, Mary, Mother of Good Counsel in Paranaque. This was done over one weekend during the Anticipated Mass on September 30 and in all Sunday Masses on October 1 except the earliest Mass which was at 6:30 AM.
I know that it was a big favor from God through our Parish Priest.
I was given the opportunity to talk briefly about my book during the announcement portion of the Masses and I was allowed to set-up a book table where I can sell and sign copies of my books.
That weekend, we did not only launch my children’s book “Pasko Pa Rin.” We also launched the Buy a Book, Donate a Book Program in our parish.
During the announcement portion, aside from telling the mass-goers about the main lesson from the storybook, I also encouraged them to buy not just for the children in their families or network, but also to donate copies to the less fortunate who need to read or hear the message of the book the most.
My husband and children all helped out in our book table. They helped carry the things that we needed for the book table like the tarpaulins and stands and the books. They also helped answer inquiries, sell books, record our sales and the donations received for our Buy a Book, Donate a Book Program, and take photos. Their math skills were put to the test during those days.
Our eldest child coordinated with the church/parish staff in setting up the tables, chairs and tarpaulins.

My middle child was our accountant/record keeper. He made a tally sheet of books paid in cash and GCash. He also helped take note of donations during Masses where a COMCARE representative was not present to help us. During the Anticipated Mass, the COMCARE Head, Sis Cora Lazo, helped us man the book table and record donations for our Buy a Book, Donate a Book Program.
My youngest child was our treasurer. He helped give change with the supervision of my husband.
My husband took most of the photos. You can find more photos during this weekend here.
It was an exciting time, although it was a bit tiring. However, I cherished this opportunity because I knew that it would be a great way to promote my new children’s book and to reach more children and their families.
The book launch was a success! We had good sales during that weekend! We also received donations for our Christmas book donation drive/outreach for the poor children in our parish from our fellow parishioners. My heart was full of joy and thanksgiving! We have achieved our goal of inspiring our fellow parishioners to practice stewardship and synodality that weekend.
Truly, God answers prayers and He makes a way for us. He was the One who moved our Parish Priest to give me permission to launch my book in our parish that weekend and the One moved the hearts of the mass-goers to purchase copies for the children in their family and network and to donate to the less fortunate as well.
Part of the proceeds from the sales during the book launch was donated to our parish and used to donate copies to the less fortunate kids in our parish/barangay. I will write a separate blog post to tell you more about the Christmas outreach and book donation drive that we did recently for the poor children in our parish’s mission areas.
I’m so grateful to God for the chance to be His instrument in teaching or reminding people this Advent and Christmas through my children’s book “Pasko Pa Rin” that Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas and that we should be thankful for the gift of salvation and family.
I hope and pray that God would give me more opportunities to promote my book in other parishes, communities, schools and groups so I can reach and influence more children and their families.
If you are an active servant or member in your parish, community, group or you are interested to partner with me for a Christmas outreach/CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Program this December or to simply help me promote my book to more children and families in your parish, school, or group, please feel free to get in touch with me via email ( or or our Facebook pages Hands-On Parents while Earning, Full Life Cube and Follow God with Teresa Podcast. I would appreciate your support.
If you are interested to buy copies, you may buy from our online shop here or send us a message in any of our Facebook pages.
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