My eldest son is a voracious reader. He started reading when he was two years old, just like his younger brother. Reading is one of his favorite activities aside from making music and playing. In truth, he likes reading more than eating. He could forego eating just to read a book that interests him. That’s why ever since I noticed this, I have provided him with as much reading materials as possible.
He has been reading beyond the usual reading level for his age since he was a toddler. These days, one of his favorite books to read is the Bible. And he doesn’t read just the kiddie Bibles, of which we have many versions of. He likes to read the real, adult versions. He borrows my Bible frequently! I see him a lot of time reading the Bible. Last night, he told me he’s done reading the Book of Daniel. In fact, he said that he’s almost done reading the Old Testament. This brings me much joy to see him hungry to read God’s Word.
Yesterday, I attended a Bible study with my mentor Fr. Jun Lingad, SDB. We now have a regular Bible study with him in our parish every Tuesday night after the 7 PM Mass. I used to attend Bible studies with him when I was still single and working in Makati. He used to conduct Bible studies in Greenbelt chapel. Then, when he moved to Alabang, I also attended there. But I got pregnant and had kids so I was no longer able to attend these sessions anymore. But God knows the desire of my heart. He knew that I hunger for His Word. He knew that I want to know Him more. I kept praying for opportunities to attend a Bible study again near our new home. Finally, after years of waiting, God heard my prayer! Last night was only our third session with Fr. Jun but I’m learning so much. I’m also grateful that Fr. Jun encourages families to bring even their young children. He likes kids to listen to him and learn from him too. This is wonderful news for parents like me because I don’t have a nanny (yaya). I have no choice but to bring my kids everywhere I go.
Then last night, Fr. Jun said something that affirmed me in my decision to homeschool my kids and to use the Holy bible as one of our main books. Because we homeschool and I design my kids’ curriculum, I can design it to be centered on our faith and the Word of God. I have taught them the alphabet based on the Bible. Some of their writing practice are taken from the Bible. I can integrate daily reading and discussion of the Bible, prayers and the Holy Eucharist into our daily schedule. One of my mentors (also an author and Christian mom like me) said that if your time and energy permits that you read only one book to your kids daily, let it be the Holy Bible. I followed her advice and I’m slowly reaping the fruits in my children’s lives. Tonight, Fr. Jun shared with us why the Bible is The Book. I have long believed that. But to hear it explained now that I’m a parent, the more grateful I am that my kids love the study of God’s Word. They would even remind me when I’m busy. They would initiate.
As shared by Fr. Jun, the Bible is a book with many books in it. There are actually 73 books in it, 27 of which are from the New Testament. It covers a wide range of topics. In the Jerusalem Bible, for example, the topic index is up to 10 pages. But the main theme of the Bible is salvation. There are many authors inspired by God to write these books but God is the main author. It is God’s written Word. Thus, that’s what makes it special. That’s what makes it The Book. No wonder it is also the number 1 bestselling book of all time! No other book has ever claimed to be The Book. I think there would never be a book that would claim to be one either.

Photo source here.
It’s also amazing that even though it took many years (1380 years) for the Bible to be written (by hand by the early writers), there are no deviations from the original manuscripts. Today, there are only differences in translation.
The Bible can be used for teaching the truth, refuting error, for correction and to guide people to live righteous lives.

Photo source here.
I have experienced this personally. Whenever I need guidance on something, I know that I can look it up in the Bible. So, I decided that this would be one of our main books, if not the main book, in our homeschool.

Photo source here.
I know that if my children know God and His commands, they will not go astray. They will not only taste the goodness of the Lord in this world but even after death. They will experience eternal life. Jesus said in John 17:3,
“This is eternal life: that they may know you, the one true God,
and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.”
My kids may be young but they know the One True God and Jesus Christ whom He sent. And with the continuous study of God’s Word, I am confident that my children would grow in their knowledge and love of God. That is my greatest joy as a parent! My faith and relationship with God is my best legacy for my children!
Let me end by sharing one of the songs we sing during our Bible study: Thy Word. This is by Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant. Click here to listen to it.
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