I praise and thank God for enabling my family and me to attend not just an online recollection but also a Holy Week Retreat. We even got to join online Masses and other services like The 7 Last Words during this week. Even our children joined us in these activities. Technology is indeed a gift if we know how to use it for our good.

We were able to join the 4-day Holy Week Retreat titled Not Afraid of our community Light of Jesus.
I felt so blessed listening to the talks and worshipping with my family and the worship leaders. God spoke powerfully to my heart during those days.
This reflection and these insights are some of the beautiful gifts that I received from God when I joined that retreat. Let me share them with you. I hope that this would be of help to you, too.

After going through a lot of pain and suffering, it’s so easy to just give in to despair and hopelessness. But that is not God’s will for us.
How can we endure the challenges, pains, and sufferings we are going through without losing faith or hope?
Let me share 4 things that can help us at this time:
1. Remember the marvels the Lord has done in your life. – Calling to mind the good and amazing things that God has done in our lives will remind us that God is good, God loves us, and that God is powerful. These things will remind us of God’s faithfulness and amazing love. They will remind us that nothing is impossible with God as long as we believe.
2. Soak in God’s Word and hold on to His promises. – The stronger the winds of adversity, the more that we should be rooted in God’s Words. His Words are true and unchanging whatever the seasons. All who hope in Him do not hope in vain. Thus, it would help if we know His Words by heart so that during times of weakness and challenges, we can easily call them to mind to counter the enemy’s lies.

3. Worship God and surrender to Him and His plans. – God’s ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. But His plans are the best for us. We need to humble ourselves and accept His Lordship in our lives. Then, submit to His plans and follow His lead.
4. Serve God even when it’s challenging. – Jesus was made perfect in His sufferings and obedience to God the Father. We need to do the same. We need to do what God calls us to do even when we don’t feel like doing it. We need to remain committed to the mission God has given us whatever that may be. Let’s draw inspiration from Jesus’ example who endured up to death on the cross. He finished His mission.
May these worship songs titled My Redeemer Lives and Resurrecting inspire you to keep the faith while waiting for your own Easter or resurrection to come.
Happy Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!
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