I made the choice to put being a wife and a mother first around a decade ago. Being married to someone who is the answer to my prayers gave me the courage to willingly make that choice. I waited long for this… to have a family of my own. I would not let anything get in the way of me living out that dream.
I was blessed with one miracle after another.
I finally got married to the man who had the essential qualities I prayed for. I got pregnant… not just once but thrice despite my medical condition. My husband and I got to buy condominium units which became our family’s home for a number of years. I was able to start my consulting business. I became a freelance writer.
I was happy living out many of my big dreams. But almost all of my big dreams have been fulfilled.
Then, God planted new dreams in my heart. Dreams that in the beginning, I felt too big for me to dream.
There were times I felt embarrassed to even have those dreams. There were times when I felt scared and overwhelmed.
I felt that with ALL my big blessings and the miracles I have received in my life, it’s too much to ask for more.
I initially thought that being content with what I already had was God’s will for me.
How did I know?
First, I couldn’t help myself from thinking of those new dreams.
Second, I felt God speak to me through the books and devotionals I read. I heard Him speak through the people He sent my way.
Third, He opened doors for me to walk the path towards those awesome dreams, which I learned to call God-sized dreams when I read about it in a book titled You’re Made for a God-sized Dream.
When I learned to embrace these new dreams in my heart, it seemed like the entire universe conspired to help me fulfill these God-sized dreams.
My God-sized Dreams
Let me share two of my biggest, wildest and most awesome dreams before.
First, I dreamed of becoming an Amazon Bestselling Author.
Second, I dreamed of becoming an Award-winning Author.
Like what the author of the book You’re Made for a God-sized Dream said, the result is up to God. That is why it is called a God-sized dream. One cannot attain it without God’s help. That made sense to me!
How can a busy (busy is actually an understatement) mother like me with little children, without a maid and who is also homeschooling her children have time to write or finish a book? I could hardly make time to brush my hair during the day when my children are awake! How can someone as busy as I still have the energy to work on publishing and marketing it and learning so many other things in order to make it available on Amazon and make it a bestseller? How can a busy and often exhausted (and often interrupted) mother like me write an award-winning, beautiful and inspiring book that touches hearts and changes lives?

A testimonial from one of the moms who read my book during its launch a few months back and whom I coached.
Truly, only God can make that possible!
Yes, you read it right. =)
My two biggest, wildest and most awesome dreams before were already fulfilled!!!
I actually became an Amazon Bestselling Author for the second time last April (my birth month) when I launched my latest e-book From Career Woman to SAHM, WAHM then Businessmom! =)
The first time I fulfilled this dream was several years ago when I launched the Kindle version of my book BREASTFEEDING: A Journey Worth Taking.
As if that miracle was not enough for this year, God also helped me fulfill my second God-sized dream… my dream of becoming an Award-winning Author.
How did that happen?
It happened a few weeks ago when I won in the 12th Cardinal Sin Book Awards. My recent Amazon bestseller won in the e-books category. Until now, it still feels surreal.
Imagine, having two of my wildest and God-sized dreams fulfilled one after the other in just a matter of months!!! This is simply awesome! It must be God! He certainly must be behind all this success! It would not have been possible if God’s favor was not on me.
Thus, my One Word for the year 2018, FAVORED, proved to be right once more. My Bible verse for the year was also perfect!
With the very little time I had to write my books, it must have been God’s Holy Spirit leading me to string those words together and that enabled me to persevere in overcoming all obstacles and achieve these results! The results were truly God’s doing! I only needed to cooperate with His grace and allow Him to use me as part of His perfect plan in bringing people closer to Him.
Why I am writing this blog post?
First, I want to tell you, my fellow busy and exhausted parents, not to be afraid of dreaming big dreams if that is what God wants you to do. Don’t torture yourself into analyzing how it would be possible before you believe that it IS possible. Let God lead you. Let God help you. Let God surprise you like what He did to me. =)
Second, I want to tell you that when you pursue your dreams that are aligned with God’s best plans for your life, you set a good example for your children. You encourage your children to do the same. The people around you are inspired by your courage and your faith. They are inspired by your hard work and perseverance. Those who benefit the most from watching you live your life and make your life choices are your family members… your children who are absorbing all these choices and developments in your life.

With my family at the Awarding Ceremony held at the opening of this year’s Manila International Book Fair at MOA SMX.
Studies have proven that. A high percentage of children with parents who are accomplished usually end up accomplished as well. What we often say to them helps form their young minds and hearts. But our kids witnessing what we DO with our lives is potent!
So, put your fears and doubts behind you now. Let them move you forward instead of hinder you. It’s not an easy task scaling a tall mountain. But it’s worth climbing. Just make sure that you don’t climb it alone. Bring your loved ones with you in the climb so you don’t end up celebrating your success on top alone.
So, what are your biggest, wildest and most awesome dreams? Do you also have a God-sized dream? Feel free to share with me in the comments! I would love to know and cheer you on.
Do you want to have a copy of this Amazon bestseller and award-winning book? Sign up for the iHOPE Online Coaching Program or my short-term coaching packages and get a FREE COPY.
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